Do you ship to my city/state/country?

Yes! We can ship to virtually any address in the world, although we cannot offer refunds or accept returns on items shipped internationally. Please note some products cannot be shipped to international destinations. If the product shipment is restricted, it will be stated clearly on that product page.

PLEASE NOTE: Tracking information, including delivery confirmation, is NOT provided by the United States Postal Service for USPS First Class Mail International service (the most economical international shipping method). A USPS tracking number will be provided by The Dashcam Store™ when we create your shipping label, however this tracking number will in most cases only indicate that the package was physically accepted by the USPS when that occurs. If timely and accurate international tracking information and delivery confirmation is important to you, please consider using either UPS or FedEx as your international shipping method. That being said, we do have very good success with the vast majority of our USPS international shipments.  

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